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Four County EMC Directors Achieve Credentials

February 25th, 2016

The first co-op Board in the state, Four County EMC�s entire Board of Directors attained their Director Gold credential from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA).

In order to earn the credential, all ten directors had to complete a core set of five courses followed by a variety of elective courses in topics ranging from finance to technology and then commit to a continuing education requirement throughout their service on the co-op board. The Director Gold credential recognizes directors who are committed to continuing their education throughout their service on the board by earning three continuing education credits over a two-year period. 

Today’s electric utility environment imposes new demands on electric cooperative directors, particularly increased knowledge of changes in the electric utility business, new governance skills and a working knowledge of the cooperative principles. Four County EMC has a commitment to work through NRECA to sharpen this director credential program for the benefit of their electric cooperative members.

“Our Board has always been very mindful and self-motivated and is aware of how important education is in our changing industry. Their overall dedication and commitment to attend these classes and meetings exemplifies their loyalty to the co-op,” stated CEO Mitchell Keel.

                Four County EMC serves over 32,500 members in Bladen, Duplin, Pender, Sampson, Columbus and Onslow counties. The Cooperative is member-owned, not-for-profit, and overseen by a Board of Directors elected by the membership. The Board is responsible for planning, developing, operating and maintaining a reliable electric system to the counties served.


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Four County Electric Membership Corp. 1822 NC Hwy. 53 West, Burgaw, NC 28425 (T) 888.368.7289 (F) 910.259.1860
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